Friday, 2 January 2015


Subway Surfers Las Vegas What's New ★ Follow the Subway Surfers World Tour to glamorous Las Vegas ★ Surf beneath the star covered sky and explore the flashy subway ★ Add Rex, the amazing performer, to your character crew ★ Spice up your Board collection with the fancy Roller board ★ Collect shiny Spades in the Weekly Hunts to unlock cool prizes Download Now...

Thursday, 4 December 2014


Subway Surfers London(new) What's New ★ Travel to England with the Subway Surfers World Tour ★ Enjoy the cozy winter time in snow-covered London ★ Earn surprising Holiday presents in the Weekly Hunts ★ Team up with Buddy, the jolly snowman, and go for new Awards ★ Unlock the Snowflake board and new powerful Board Upgrades Download Now...